Beach Haus

Customer Testimonial

Their costing estimate came back very competitive to conventional construction for a product that is technologically superior, and we decided to go ahead. We had been promised a quick turnaround, but were still very impressed to be able to move into our new house only 8 months after the concrete slab had been poured! Even more impressive considering they surprised us achieving certified PassiveHaus standards! We have been in the house for almost 4 months now, and we couldn’t be happier.

Carlos & Gloria

Nestled in the northern suburbs of Perth, WA a short walk from the beautiful beach and ocean breeze, this North Beach home embraces all the required elements of a passive home, one that delivers net positive energy and guarantees high energy efficiency throughout the life of the home. The upper floor roof and raking ceilings are insulated using R-6.0 Bradford Gold ceiling batts, providing exceedingly highly efficient thermal performance and an optimal level of comfort to the home. Bradford Gold wall batts were used to all external walls and high performance acoustic batts insulation to the internal walls thus drastically reducing the amount of energy (heating and cooling gains) transfer through the walls.

Internal acoustics, which can often be overlooked when designing a new home. Bradford Sound screen was applied to the suspended timber floors and all internal walls to maximise sound attenuation and therefore minimise the potential for sound transmission and reverberation.

The clever design and orientation of the second storey features windows to maximise the northern aspect which facilitates optimal passive solar effect. The north facing skillion roof design (with consideration for optimal PV installation), high-performance double-glazed windows, thermal bridge free construction, high levels of airtightness and heat recovery ventilation are also some key features which bring this home to life.