Suburban Lake Haus

Customer Testimonal

From the outset, we wanted to build a certified Passive House Plus and considering Brian has built many certified Passive House projects in the past, it gave us confidence to build with Ismart.

Mark and Rebecca

Being a certified Passive House Designer himself the client designed this home. From concept box study discussions on-site to detailed overshadowing diagrams considering parkland tree canopies influence on windows and PV installations, Luke Kellett (Kellett Design Group) was the single biggest influencer for the appearance and performance of this beautiful home. Luke’s architectural experience has delivered an invaluable example of the importance of merging form and function while delivering beauty and performance without compromise.

As one experiences this home, the true importance of the necessity to connect architecture with its surrounding environment comes to realisation. Physical and visual connection to natural light and nature are quite generous but controlled maximising the experience of the occupants but minimising the external climate influence on performance.